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Student house burgled in Burley

In the early hours of the morning on October 6th a student house on Stanmore Street was burgled; a laptop, two Nintendo switches and a wallet were taken from the property. At the time of the burglary four tenants were home, they believe the burglar entered their house through their kitchen window, but this could not be confirmed by police due to lack of forensic evidence left behind.

Burglaries can leave victims with anxiety, one of the tenants Molly Parker said, “my biggest fear is home invasion already, so although it wasn't me that had the items stolen, I feel like I've mentally been robbed of my safety”.

Incident’s per 1000 residents in Leeds sits at 16.1% for burglaries and robberies, although this was their first time being burgled whilst at University, Molly said she knew of others who’ve experienced this before. Upon posting about the burglary in Leeds Students’ Group to warn people, she received multiple messages from others in the area saying they’d also been burgled, as well as knowing of another house in Hyde Park that had been burgled in the last 24 hours who also had their laptops and gaming devices taken.

With burglaries of student houses being common, Molly believes student landlords should take more “responsibility” when their tenants are robbed. “We rent with Sugarhouse Properties, and when we alerted them of the burglary they were completely unsympathetic, didn't even bother to ask if we were ok, and instead straight away stated that they wouldn't be held responsible for any of the stolen property because it was our own fault”.

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